I am trying to find a way to take advantage of my current situation. Here I am with access to money that few people my age would dream of. Ok, it's not a trust fund but it is someone I know who would give me the cash if I had a great idea. I am at a point in my life where it has suddenly only hit me now that I should have been saving from a long time ago. My brain is racked with frustration because I am thinking here comes another winter season of me doing possibly very little modelling work and trying to make ends meet and partying with random fake people. Like the other night, when I was told to bring only pretty friends or models. Like are you fucking serious?! fuck off. ugh.
But I am excited about tomorrow though. I hope it's the start of something good !
Cool photo of Jolie, with the figure sketch in the backdrop. Nice blog. Come and visit mine when you have time.
nice :-)