I think "J" doesn't like me that much. Talk about first impressions. That did not go down too well. The ball was in my court but I have gradually lost it and I feel sometimes I score too many own goals. My team sucks and his is perfect. I wish I could press rewind but I can't. You know the phrase "just shoot me now" when you've dug yourself into a deep hole? Yeah, I'm there.
I'm in this shitty shit hole. Sometimes I wish I were invisible so that I could go over to "J" and whisper I'm sorry. I'm just pissed off a lot of the time and it just happens.
Why do I even give a shit what "J" thinks about me? Other than the fact that "J" is an important person. And I've just fucked up one of the most important interviews of my life. About 8 times.
I'm in this shitty shit hole. Sometimes I wish I were invisible so that I could go over to "J" and whisper I'm sorry. I'm just pissed off a lot of the time and it just happens.
Why do I even give a shit what "J" thinks about me? Other than the fact that "J" is an important person. And I've just fucked up one of the most important interviews of my life. About 8 times.
Your an interesting character. :) I fucked up a major interview a little while back. Kicking myself ever since. Sometimes I get totally frustrated that I haven't achieved what I thought I would at this point in my life. But then again shit happens. Just keep trying I tell myself. You can't change the past, but you can impact the future.