
Dear ... Financial security

Today's events have led me to seriously re-assess my life. Yes life is about fun and games when you are young, but youth does not last forever. I know that these are the best years of my life but this past year has not felt like it. I have not achieved the success that I wanted in work, let alone climbed one quarter of the ladder in my "career". A career which my bank is starting to raise an eyebrow to seeing as it's not a 9 to 5 job that brings in x amount each month, so they have decided I am not entitled to certain privileges yet. I am amazed by how long I have lasted in such a rather expensive city, traveling from time to time, shopping and partying. Yes, when one is a fairly attractive girl a lot of things are free, but I'm no trust fund baby either. I get by from the parents and "the boy's " help, but for someone who worships the Church of Independent Women I am its biggest hypocrite. A fraud! I need a new job. A proper income. I need to know that if I want to go here or do that or buy this, I don't need to ask anybody for money or have my bank treat me like a minor who needs parental consent !


  1. i hope everything works out in your favor
    ps really chouette picture

  2. ha i know what you mean i so badly need a job too:(

  3. I feel like I wrote this post..well me after I graduate this yr with a mgmt degree & without a clear direction

    just how expensive is it? all I know so far is I want to relocate..I'd prefer London but someplace in UK or Spain will satisfy my need for a radical change

  4. I feel like I wrote this post..well me after I graduate this yr with a mgmt degree & without a clear direction

    just how expensive is it? all I know so far is I want to relocate..I'd prefer London but someplace in UK or Spain will satisfy my need for a radical change
